Invitations walk through

Configure your invitation options


Admin / Users / Invite:

Visit the ‘Users’ section of the admin suite to invite a user(s). Press +Invite button.




Admin / Users / Invite / New invite:

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Complete the relevant fields for the user you wish to invite.


Click ‘Add to Pending’ when complete, to add this user to the pending invites list. Add more users If required*.


*Bulk uploads are possible (see below). 



There are various options to prompt the user, if they do not register within a chosen time frame:


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The timeframe for automated reminders can be set here.


Pre-approval can be activated if required, bypassing the confirmation screen (see previous page).




Next customise your Invite message template for Email and/or SMS:


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The keywords tab enables the addition of pre-set keywords into your templates.


Tick the ‘Send Notifications’ checkbox if you want to enable notifications for invites. Type the message that you want sent in the notification. This can include keyword code if required.



Your pending user(s) will now be visible in the Invites list:


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To send, click ‘Send all pending invites’. Your sent invites will appear below with a time date stamp:


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The email that is dispatched will reflect your template:


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Upon clicking the invitation link, the user is taken to the invited user registration confirmation screen:


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To register, the user clicks the Register button, after amending any incorrect data in the fields above. They will receive an inline confirmation and a confirmation email:



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They will then be taken into your tenancy from the link.


Invites can be added in bulk. Use the ‘Import CSV’ button:


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Your CSV will need to have headings in Row 1. Example:


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You will need to map your fields on import:


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You have the option to overwrite or skip existing records if you need to reimport your file.


Your invitees will be added to the pending invites list:


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To send, click ‘Send all pending invites’.