Registration walk through

Configure your registration options


Admin / Users / Registration / Questions:

Select which questions you require in your registration process or add extra questions if required. Responses appear in the user’s Profile page, or you can choose not to display responses to certain questions.



Admin / Users / Registration / Settings:
A screenshot of a computer

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Select which options you want enabled for your registration process.



Tenancy / Signup:

A screenshot of a cell phone

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The default settings will result in the above layout for your signup page.



Tenancy / signup (Mobile):

A screenshot of a cell phone

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Mobile layout of the default signup page above.



Receipt of signup:

A screenshot of a boy

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Upon completion of the Signup form, the user is returned to your homepage with a confirmation message inserted at the top of your content;


“Your account was successfully created. We have sent you an email to confirm your account.”


If the user does not meet the criteria you have set in your Settings, they will not be able to proceed to this point unless they amend their registration.




An email will be dispatched with the following Sender and Subject obtained from the settings in your tenancy;


Email client inbox:



Confirmation email:

A screenshot of a cell phone

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The email above requires confirmation to activate the account. The exact configuration of this email will depend upon the settings you have chosen in the Registration admin.



If the user clicks the confirmation link, they will be taken to the logged-in home page:


Logged-in home page:

A screenshot of a cell phone

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If the user attempts to login before they have confirmed their email, they will see this message:


Non-confirmed login attempt message:

A screenshot of a social media post

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“Your account is not confirmed. Please client the confirmation link in your e-mail, or click here to resend the confirmation e-mail.”


You may need to ask your users to check their spam folders if emails do not appear to arrive.